![Bull_moose](fish/img_0820-moosesilhouette-smh.jpg) |
![Cow_moose](fish/img_0686-cowmoose-smh.jpg) |
Bull silhouette
| Cow moose drinking
![Deer](fish/img_0681-deer-smv.jpg) |
The first time that we visited the lake, we came across this deer while heading through the woods for the opposite side of the lake
![Cow_moose](fish/IMG_0696-MooseCow.jpg) |
Moose cow
![Cow_moose](fish/img_0693-moosecow.jpg) |
After a big gulp...
![Fishercap_Lake](fish/IMG_0805-FishercapEvening-nr.jpg) |
Fishercap Lake - no moose were hanging around this evening
![Fishercap_Lake](fish/IMG_0810-DrizzlyFishercapLake-nr.jpg) |
Fishercap Lake the following morning (after snow in the higher elevations). I spent an hour wandering around in the drizzle before I spotted...
![Bull_moose](fish/img_0815-bullmoose.jpg) |
...this big bull...
![Bull_moose](fish/img_0816-bullmoose.jpg) |
...coming out of the creek that feeds the lake.
![Bull_moose](fish/img_0829-bullmoose.jpg) |
He spotted me spying on him from the shore...
![Bull_moose](fish/img_0831-bullmoose.jpg) |
and went on feeding...
![Bull_moose](fish/img_0835-bullmoose.jpg) |
One more look at the big guy
Incident at Fishercap - Sept. 11, 2008 ( The names have been changed to protect the innocent! )
![Moose](moose600/img_1016-moosewillows.jpg) |
After a long day in the woods, Moose Rutski needed a drink. He headed down to the Fishercap Bar, ordered a couple of Human Drools, and soon noticed that his vision was blurring. Strange, he thought, I've only had two drinks... Then he realized it wasn't the drink, but those dang chunks of velvet peeling off his antlers again. So off he headed to the willows for a scrape & thrash session...
![Moose](moose600/img_1013-x-moosescraping.jpg) |
(A little blurred due to his scraping plus my hand-held zoom...)
![Moose](moose600/img_1020-x-moosewillowslooking.jpg) |
"Yeah, I'm keeping an eye on you!"
![Moose_family](moose600/img_1025-moosefamilyintrees.jpg) |
Meanwhile, Bull and Alice Mooski had decided to take the kids for an evening stroll to the lake. Approaching from Fishercap's opposite end (where I was hiding in the woods), they strolled along the shore...
![Moose_family](moose600/img_1026-moosefamilyinwater.jpg) |
...and then headed out in the water for some drinks (a dirty martini for Alice, soft drinks for the calves). Bull heard some cussing coming from the willows, and went to see what was going on.
![Two_moose](moose600/img_1029-twobullsapproach.jpg) |
Bull saw Moose thrashing up a storm in the willows and went in for a closer look.
![Two_moose](moose600/img_1031-twobullsapproach.jpg) |
"Hey Buddy, can you tone down the language. You can see I've got youngsters here."
![Two_moose](moose600/img_1032-twobullsapproach.jpg) |
"Are you talkin' to me, Buster?" answered Moose, turning, a wild look in his eye...
![Two_moose](moose600/img_1036-bullsapproachingclose.jpg) |
"You're darn right I am! You could learn some manners!" replied Bull, feeling his dander rise.
![Two_moose](moose600/img_1041-bullsapproachbutt.jpg) |
"Manners, huh? I'll show you manners!"
![Two_moose](moose600/img_1043-bullsheadbutt.jpg) |
![Two_moose](moose600/img_1045-bullsheadbutt.jpg) |
Wham! Bam! Pow!
![Moose_family](moose600/img_1046-cowcalvesdrinklook.jpg) |
"Mama, what's Pa doing with that big galoot?" "Oh, ignore them", replied Alice, taking another sip of her drink. "They're just acting like typical bone-headed males!"
![Two_moose](moose600/img_1048-bullsheadbutt.jpg) |
Knock! Bang!
![Moose_calves](moose600/img_1050-calvesheadtobulls.jpg) |
Curiosity gets the best of Junior & Sis, and they head over for a closer look...
![Two_moose](moose600/img_1053-twobulllookingatcalves.jpg) |
"Oh great, here come his rug rats..." thinks Moose.
![Four_moose](moose600/img_1057-twobulltwocalves.jpg) |
Junior & Sis watch the action, and then whisper to each other. They both start making giggly noises, and Sis says to Junior: "I double dare you!"
![Four_moose](moose600/img_1059-mooseabouttonudge.jpg) |
Junior stealthily sneaks up behind Moose & gives him a goose in the butt!
What happened next wasn't captured on camera, but it was a hoot ! Moose jumped up, Bull jumped back, Junior jumped back, and Sis, who was already easing away, jumped back! Then they all just looked at each other, like "What in the world was that??!!?"
![Moose_drama](moose600/img_1060-bulltwocalves.jpg) |
But that goose in the butt seemed to break the tension. Bull headed back out in the lake; Moose took a few steps after him but decided to drop the matter...
![Five_moose](moose600/img_1062-fivemoose-800.jpg) |
Everybody went back to minding their own business... (Of course, Alice {far right} was un-phased by the whole episode, and never did interrupt her drinking!)
![Two_Moose](moose600/img_1063-twobullsleaving.jpg) |
Eventually Moose and Bull decided to go down to the bar & have a drink together...
![Two_calves](moose600/img_1067-twocalvesend.jpg) |
But Sis and Junior were already plotting their next adventure...
~~~ The End ~~~