Logo Toccoa Experimental Forest and Experiment Station
March 2020 - Union & Fannin Counties, GA
All Text & Images:
Copyright (2020)

The Toccoa Experimental Forest and Experiment Station was established about 1931.   It was part of the USFS's Southeastern Appalachian Forest Research Program, along with Coweeta Labs and Bent Creek Experimental Forest.   A nearby CCC camp (No. F-12) was established to provide much of the labor in establishing the infrastructure here.   The Station seems to have become inactive in the early 1950s.

I joined my friends Sheldon and Milton on a rainy day in searching for evidence of the station.

While waiting out one of several rain showers, we made a visit to nearby Sea Creek Falls.
My tripod and boots were in my truck, but we were riding with Sheldon, so that didn't do me much good!   This
shot was the best I could do, while standing barefoot in 12 inches of freezing water, with the camera handheld.

The afore-mentioned CCC Camp F-12 was near Sea Creek Falls.
This fallen stone structure was part of a flume support / pier that transported water to the camp's
nearby hydro-electric generator building (of which only a leaves-covered concrete slab remains).

Another section of flume support / pier.
The flume itself was probably made of wood.

After heading over to the Experimental Station site...

Sections of wall from an unknown structure at the Experimental Station.
This concrete material reminded me of "tabby", except that the aggregate was gravel instead of sea shells.

Unknown structure 1
One report states "The dwelling, bunkhouse, spring house, and cook's house were completed at Toccoa".   Another
reports that "A dwelling, a bunkhouse, a garage and a woodshed was built for each of the new experimental forests."

Unknown structure 2
See caption of previous photo for several possibilities as to use.

Stone retaining wall

Unidentified concrete slabs

There were several small trout pens descending on a small branch

Another of the concrete fish pens

Below the fish pens was the remains of a small stone-lined holding pond.

Water cistern, high on a hill above the Station.

Another view of the cistern, with Milton and Sheldon for scale.

Remains of another unknown structure

A small silted-up retaining wall across a drainage area...

Old weir for measuring the creek flow.

Looking back downstream at the weir.

While revisiting the area a few years later,
I found a few more old remains.

I saw several of these pits behind the first area.

This concrete seemed of more recent vintage.

Maybe the remains of an old picnic table or something(?)

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