Logo Nancy Brown Gold Mine
Gumlog, Towns County, GA
February 2023
All Text & Images:
Copyright (2023)

Various parties conducted underground mining here at intervals.   Williams & Pruett began mining operations on this property in 1874, and worked the mine for about four years.   Several tons of ore were taken out and hauled two miles to a stamp-mill near Welsh.   This ore was taken from the north exposure of the vein, where a tunnel, several yards in length, was driven into the hill at water-level.   It was abandoned due to flooding.

In 1882, further prospecting was done on the vein, about two hundred yards south of the old works.   Here, it is claimed, a rich pocket was found, containing much coarse gold, which was worked to a depth of twenty feet.   As of 1896 there were a number of other pits and cross-cuts, but all had caved in, except a recent cut and tunnel at the most southern exposure.   The tunnel, a continuation of an open cut, extended into the hill only about twenty feet.

In later years, owner Frazier Gillman carried on test work, but by 1908 no extensive mining operations had been in progress for some time. At the time of a 1908 visit, the underground works were inaccessible.   A two-compartment main shaft was reported to be about 125 feet deep.

Today, a subdivision sits on the lot.   I have only been able to find scattered pits, mounds, and trenches around the house lots.

This mound and an adjoining pit sit in the front yard of a house.

Mostly filled in pit in back of another house.

A parallel pair of old mining trenches.

More eroded mine works...

I believe this was the site of the deep shaft, long collapsed and now flooded.

More evidence of the old mine works.

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