Iron Furnaces and Asstd. Kilns in North Georgia

Remains of Georgia's Mineral Industry from the 1800s...

Lewis - Oak Grove Furnace New Stack - Guthrie Crk Furnace Union - Diamond Furnace
Pool Furnace Cooper (River) Furnace Donaldson Furnace
Pumpkinvine Kiln/Furnace Paul Akin Lime Kiln Howard Cement Kilns
Deal Lime Works Other NE GA Lime Kilns Mines Index


Note:   There has been much confusion regarding the identification of certain furnaces on Stamp Creek.
The IDs herein are based on extensive research of county land deeds and contemporary industry records.
Thanks to "Bartow Ancestors" for deed research.

Ruins Index Pine Log WMA Index SE USA Index
All Text & Images: Copyright (2012-2022).